
Rework / Repair 차이점?

빕준 2024. 10. 3. 13:26

회사 일을 하면 용어 선택에 항상 민감하게된다. 특히 품질관련 업무를 맡게될 경우 더 한것 같다.

종종 리워크와 리페어에 대한 차이점을 인터뷰에서 질문 받을 때도 있었고,  Rework/Repair 중 어떤 경우 deviation을 요청해야하냐는 엔지니어링의 문의를 받은 적도 있었다.



리워크는 부적합품을 제품을 디자인이나 기능면에서 수정하지 않고 전공정이라 공정의 일부분을 재수행하여 요구되는 스펙/완성품으로 만드는 과정이고 리페어는 본래의 디자인 스펙을 충족하지 못하더라도 의도한 목적/사용을 수행하도록 조치하는 과정이다.


In manufacturing, rework and repair are both processes aimed at addressing defects or non-conformities in products, but they differ in scope, purpose, and approach:

1. Rework

  • Definition: Rework refers to the process of correcting a product or component that does not meet quality standards or specifications. The goal is to bring the product back to its original specification without fundamentally changing its intended design or function.
  • Scope: Rework generally involves minor modifications or adjustments to fix errors. This could include tasks like tightening bolts, repainting, or remachining certain parts.
  • Purpose: The aim is to achieve compliance with the original specifications.
  • Example: If a metal component has minor surface imperfections, it might be sanded down or polished during rework to meet the required surface finish.
  • Cost: Rework is often less costly than repair, as it typically involves addressing small deviations rather than major issues.

2. Repair

  • Definition: Repair involves fixing a product that has been damaged or is defective, typically requiring a more significant intervention than rework. The repair process may include replacing parts, overhauling systems, or performing operations that restore the product’s functionality, but not necessarily to the original design condition.
  • Scope: Repairs often address more serious defects or failures that prevent the product from functioning correctly. This can involve replacing damaged components or undertaking more complex mechanical or structural work.
  • Purpose: The primary aim is to restore the product to operational condition, which may or may not fully align with its original design specifications.
  • Example: A gearbox that has broken down due to a failed bearing would undergo repair, with the faulty bearing replaced and the gearbox restored to working condition.
  • Cost: Repair can be more expensive and time-consuming compared to rework, as it often involves deeper investigation, diagnosis, and part replacement.

Key Differences

Aspect Rework Repair
Nature of Issue Minor deviations from specifications. Major defects or damage preventing functionality.
Action Taken Adjusting or modifying to meet original specs. Fixing or replacing parts to restore function.
End Goal Restore product to original design specifications. Restore functionality, possibly not to original specs.
Cost Typically lower, less complex. Generally higher, more complex.


In summary, rework focuses on correcting minor non-conformities to meet original standards, while repair focuses on fixing more serious issues to restore functionality.


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