산업공학/Data Analytics

Interestingness Measure: Correlation Lift

빕준 2024. 3. 25. 13:25

* Measure of dependent/correlated events: lift


1) Statistiacal independence


P(S∩B) = P(S) x P(B) => Statistically independence

P(S∩B) > P(S) x P(B) => Postively correlated

P(S∩B) < P(S) x P(B) => Negatively correlated


2) lift : interestingness measure: (interesting = reasonable 정도로 이해하면 될 것 같다)




- if the lift is equal to 1, then A and B are independent and there is no correlation between them.

   A⊥B = [lift(A,B) = 1] = [cov(A,B) = 0]


- lift (A,B) = lift(B,A),






- lift (B,C) = (2000/5000)/[(3000/5000)*(1250/5000)] = 0.89 < 1  : negatively correlated


- lift (B,C_bar) = (1000/5000)/[(3000/5000)*(1250/5000)] = 1.33 > : positively correlated



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