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Root Cause Analysis

by 빕준 2024. 3. 25.

* Root and Cause Analysis , Continuous Improvement


- To prevent recurrence at lowest cost in the simplest way

   발본색원의 개념, 근원이 되는 문제를 제거해서 비슷한 문제들이 다시는 발생하지 않도록 방지하는 것


- method to trace down RC: data mining hierachial cluster solution (GT data mining)


 1) Root cause: removed; prevent undesireable outcome,the condition that enable one or more causes


 2) Casual cause: affect an event's outcome, but not root cause. casual cause 의 해결은 근본적인 문제를 제거하는 것은 아님




(출처: 구글이미지)


- basic types of cause


1) physical cause: tangible, material fail

     ex) 브레이크 고장

2) human cause: human cause typically lead to physical cause,

     ex) 브레이크 점검 X

3) organizational cuase: policy, system and process to make decision is faulty.

     ex) 차랑점검에 대한 담당자의 부재


- Steps of RCA


1) Define the problem

2) Collect data3) Identify casual factors: tools - 5whys, appreciation, drill down, cause and effect diagram

4) identify root causes: why does casual factors exist

5) recommend and implement solutions


- shortcoming: quality of RCA is dependent on accuracy of the input data and very time consuming to gather data


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